Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Final Project

The EDM310 Daily

For my final project I chose to make a newspaper with all of EDM310's sources. Although it is currently not working properly, I still had fun learning about paper.li. Paper.li updates news feeds from whatever you tell it to search. It can update hourly or daily. It can put all social media news in one place. I thought this was very interesting and it is something everyone can use.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Blog Post #14

Option 2,Action Reaction

For Khan vs. Karplus: Elevator Edition, he describes two Exhibits: A and B. Exhibit A is Sal Khan on elevators, the normal force in an elevator.It describes four scenarios happening in a sequence.The whole film is about four scenarios of speed in an elevator. It gives details about how the normal force changes when an elevator accelerates. Exhibit B consists of two videos and three phases. The whole exhibit is about his students constructing the conceptual and mathematical models themselves.Phase 1 is an exploration phase. Phase two is a phase about invention and bringing a scale up and down.The last phase is an application phase and task overview.The task overview is about a principals concerns about the elevators being unsafe for students and she wants to know if both the starting and stopping accelerations are too high.They are then asked to design an experiment to address her concerns.In his final remarks he says that,"the problem is the way Khan Academy is being promoted. The way the media sees it as “revolutionizing education.” The way people with power and money view education as simply “sit-and-get". He says that despite the fact that they are pseudo-teaching, he did not have a problem with Kahn Academy until just recently. Pseudo-teaching is "something you realize you’re doing after you’ve attempted a lesson which from the outset looks like it should result in student learning, but upon further reflection, you realize that the very lesson itself was flawed and involved minimal learning". The only problem with this is that it seems that very little learning is taking place.

Final Report PLN

The end result of me using Symbaloo for my personal learning network was interesting. I added many personal networks and enjoyed the process. I will enjoy continuing my PLN as I become a teacher and use it in my teaching curriculum.

C4T 4 Summary

My Mind Gap

The teacher I have been commenting on and following her blogs is Angela M. Rand. She is has attended The University of South Alabama and is pursuing her PHD in Instructional Design Technology. Her blog is full of useful tutorials and advice. Her tutorial that I most recently commented on was about adding G+ app to your iPhone and mobiles. G+ is essentially a Twitter and Tumblr as well as a social media.I enjoyed her blog and want to continue following her posts.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Blog Post #13

Top Ten Tips for using Technology in the Classroom

Jose Picardo has a list of ten tips when using technology in the classroom.
1)Use streaming video
2)Use music more often
3)Use teleconferencing tools(skype, etc.)
4)Create Your own Interactive exercises
5)Use Your Interactive Whiteboard more effectively
6)Create Your own Podcasts
7)Start a blog or a wiki
8)Use social networks
9)Use internet tools
10)Make the most of your pupils' gadgets

All of these tips are very useful reminders for teaching in the classroom. These ten tips should be engraved into the minds of all teachers when thinking about using technology. I hope to make a conscious effort to keep great use of these tips when I become a teacher. Jose Picardo made a simple yet extremely useful video.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Blog Post #12

For Blog Post #12 we were instructed to come up with instructions for future EDM310 students. I personally, as simple as it may be for others had the hardest time getting something embedded into my blog. Well a You Tube, is not that difficult to embed into your blog because all you have to do is copy and paste the embedded code. I found on Google...
1)I googled how to embed into a blog and I got this googling how to embed into a blog
2) Then I found these videos on You Tube

Final Project Update

The final project is still coming along. As far as what the group is going to be, I think that my SMARTboard group and I will be a group as well for the final project. We have not fully discussed a for sure idea for the project.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Blog Post #11

Skype Conversation with Ms.Cassidy

I found it so cool that Ms. Cassidy started using technology because she was all of a sudden given five computers in her classroom.She then decided that since there were five computers, she had to make a center for her young six and five year old's to use. She started to learn how to create web pages and others things on her blank computers. This soon turned into blogging and many other things she discovered with the use of internet. With the help of the government and give time off,she was able to build her program for her students. I think that from ten years ago when she was given these computers, she has built something really special that she does every year with her first graders. It is great that she was given the opportunity to teach her students about technology and not be discouraged by faculty,staff, and principals. She said she has an amazing technology coordinator who supports her and backs her up.I only hope that when I become a teacher that the parents of my students are supportive and want to know how their children are doing while learning about technology like Ms.Cassidy's are. Ms.Cassidy says to future teachers who think that teaching to younger children does not matter right now, that technology is here to stay and that we have to change because the world is changing. This really made me think about how important it is going to be for me to learn more about technology so that I can one day help my students.Watching the skype conversation with Ms.Cassidy and Dr.Strange and his class was really interesting and made me do a lot of thinking about my future teaching career.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Special Assignment #2

Part A

Kahn Academy

The Kahn Academy is a non-profit organization including eight members. Their goal is to "change education for the better by providing a free world-class education to anyone anywhere". The academy works for students,teachers,parents, and coaches. For students, they can make use of the extensive video library, practice exercises, and assessments from any computer with access to the web. For parents,coaches, and teachers, they are able to access what their students or children are learning and doing on the Khan Academy.


iTunesU is created by Apple for people to learn anything,anytime, and anywhere. iTunesU is "a powerful distribution system for everything from lectures to language lessons, films to labs, audiobooks to tours — is an innovative way to get educational content into the hands of students". Anyone can access iTunesU from their phone or computer.It brings the power of the iTunes Store to education, making it easy to give information to students and faculty, or to continuous learners all over the world. With the iTunes U site, your work has a single home for all the digital content created by educators. All of which can be easily downloaded and viewed on any Mac, PC, iPod, or iPhone.This is a great way to keep track of all forms of learning on the web.


TED is a non-profit organization created in 1984 that started out as a conference that represented the three words: Technology, Entertainment, and Design. TED has two annual conferences,the TED Conference in Long Beach and Palm Springs each spring, and the TEDGlobal conference in Edinburgh UK each summer.TED also includes the award-winning TEDTalks video site, the Open Translation Project and TED Conversations, the inspiring TED Fellows and TEDx programs, and the annual TED Prize.On TED.com they make talks and performances by the TED members live and available for all viewers all the time.The TED mission is to spread ideas to everyone they come in contact with. TED is passionate about the learning of others;"We believe passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and ultimately, the world. So we're building here a clearinghouse that offers free knowledge and inspiration from the world's most inspired thinkers, and also a community of curious souls to engage with ideas and each other".

Part B

Kahn Academy

In the Kahn Academy, you can watch videos, practice with exercises and create your own personal exercise playlist. The exercises range from math, science, humanities, and test prep. Algebra, arithmetic, biology, brain teasers,banking,calucus, standard tests,chemistry, computer science,astronomy, credit crisis,currency economics,equations, finance,GMAT, geometry, history,ITT JEE, Kahn Academy talks and interviews,linear algebra,MA tests, organic,Paulson bailout,physics, pre-algebra,precalculus, probability,SAT prep, singapore math,statistics, trig,valuation and investing,capital markets,and ck12 are the many subjects Kahn academy has to offer their viewers. All of these subjects contain tons of links with problems, exercises, talks,videos and more to help their viewers learn more about what they are interesting in learning.

On iTunesU, there are tons of things to access. From websites, your own ePub documents, course materials,lectures, podcasting, and more.You can look at many universities pages, documents, and videos from iTunesU. You can even create, brochures, flyers, and manuals through many available documents.There is a "beyond campus", students and faculty can access a wealth of content from distinguished groups such as MoMA, the New York Public Library, Public Radio International, and PBS stations.

In TED, viewrs can access speakers, themes, talks, and translations all given by the team of TED. You can search and view conversations and talks by categories and names. The easy connection to videos,talks, and blogs makes the site easy to use.Majority of TED is talks and conversations by TED members. TED likes for their viewers to let them know what they think about TED by allowing them to leave messages on the site.

Part C,D,&E

Kahn Academy
Kahn Academy on PBS
This video on Kahn Academy did not come to a shock to me at all. It was awesome that he recieved recognition on his achievements. Kahn Academy has made thousands of videos,lessons,and other things accessible for people worldwide to learn tons of different things. I love this website and I will be looking forward to using it in the future.

iTunesU Profiles
The video on Arizona State University using iTunesU for profiles is very interesting. It just goes to show that many schools are using iTunesU to keep track of music,lessons,homework,websites,and many other things just from the touch of their mobile phones or computers. If I used technology such as the iPhone or iPod, I would definitely use the iTunesU. I do however think that this is an awesome resource for many students,teachers,and parents.

Nathan Myhrvold: Cooking as never seen before
This video is about Nathan Myhrvold showing people how food has never been viewed before. He used an example of how steaming broccoli can become more technological.Although this video is a little too much for me to want to look at(I would rather read a book about it), this website is really useful. All of the videos on TED is very reliable and is something I an my students could definitely use.

C4T 3 Summary

A Journey in TEFL
The teacher blogging about her experience in teaching, Eva Simkesyan, is a teacher exploring her career. She is constantly finding new ways to educate her students and explore the world around her. She has created workshops, PLN, TEFL, and many other things to explore the teaching world. She has included numerous posts in her blog about how her and her students are always looking for new ways to learn. I enjoyed this teachers blog and how creative her and her students are in the classroom.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Blog Post #10

Do you Teach or Do You Educate?

The video starts out with defining the verb to teach in five ways. The first definition they give is to show or explain how to do something. The second is to encourage someone to accept as a fact or a principle.The third was to give information about or instruction in.The fourth, to cause someone to learn or understand something.And the last one, to induce by example or punishment to do or not to do something.
All of these definitions are true, but there has to be more than saying you teach children. To educate a student is to both teach and learn. I want to be able to educate my students as well as myself.

Don't Let Them Take Pencils Home

I find it shocking that one person can blame one article on low test scores. Not only did she bombard this teacher for letting him let his students take home pencils, but she had the nerve to stereotype all students for being low test takers if they use pencils at home. It may be true for some students, but for all of them is a little much. I am glad that he stuck up for his students and let others know that this was not the case for his class. Very interesting story to read!