Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Blog Post #5

First Graders Create Their Own Read Along Audiobook
This pod-casting with first graders is an amazing idea for students to not only create their own scripts but to follow along with their classmates. These students made certain sounds to let the other students know when a new script was beginning.

Integrating ITC into the Classroom
Pod-casts are more informative than most people think and easy to follow.Watching this video helped me to familiarize myself with the benefits of pod-casting. I feel that pod-casting should be used in the classroom to give students a different way to learn.

The Practical Principals
Melinda Miller and Scott Elias
These examples reminded me of just how useful pod-casts can be. I would have never thought to use pod-casting inside the classroom. But the more I watch them and made one of my own, I realized how useful they are and it makes me excited to continue the use of pod-casting


  1. rather brief summaries. I am looking forward to your podcast. I hope you will make use of what you have learned from these exercises in your podcast.

  2. Sarah,

    I agree that podcasts are a unique, fun, and useful way to teach children. They can feel they have to be very prepared in order to sound good on the microphone therefore they really learn the material they are going to speak about. Also, it's just fun for kids because they feel like they are doing a real radio broadcast.
