Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Blog Post #7

Randy Pausch Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams

This video was amazing! More than amazing to be honest. Once you get over the sadness factor, you really start to listen to the true meaning of this video. I can really appreciate what he is saying because you know he is saying it from a good place. Pausch's video not only makes you want to become more technology friendly but, he also makes you want to become a better person for yourself and for those around you.

I like how he started off with, "we can not change the cards we are dealt, we can only change how we play the hand. This is definitely true and also something that most of us do not take the time to consider.Pausch focuses on:childhood dreams, enabling the dreams of others, and lessons learned. The whole speech(his last speech) truly focuses on being selfless. He focuses on the inspiration and permission to dream is huge and how it is all about fundamentals. A major point in life that he points out is that when you are messing up and no one is saying anything to you about it, that is when you know they have given up.

One dream of his growing up was to meet Captain Kirk. He had always wondered why he was on the show because compared to everyone else he did not have a main set of skills, but he later figured out what he did have was leadership and leadership is big. In life we sometimes do not always push ourselves as hard as we should and we often think everything/everyone is in our way. Pausch says,"Brick walls are there for a reason; they let us prove how badly we want things.

Randy Pausch was told by a professor that the best gift a teacher can give is to have someone become self reflective. I hope that when I become a teacher that I can enable my students to be self reflective. One of the closing statements Pausch made was how to get people to help you. He said that karma, telling the truth, being earnest, apologizing, and focusing on others will always help you get where you need to be in life. I thoroughly enjoyed everything that Dr. Pausch said in his final speech.

1 comment:

  1. Sarah Nelson,that was a well written summary on Pausch last speech.I didn't pay attention to part when he mentioned "we can not change the cards we are dealt,we can only change how we play the hand."I feel that he is true for expressing that because look at him.He's about to pass away soon,yet he's smiling and reminiscing on the good times.He's not being the scrooge about it.Also,I like the idea of students being self reflective.Mr.Stange doesn't give grades till the end.When you ask about your progress he simply tells you to ask yourself what do you think you've deserved.By self reflecting,we already know what we deserve in the class.
