Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Special Assignment #1

1. Did you know about WolframAlpha? I had never heard of WolframAlpha before.
2. Did you know about Google Squared? I had never heard about Google Squared either.
3. What percentage of China's population is the population of the United States? 22.89%
4. What percentage of India's population is the population of the United States?25.54%
5. Now what do you think of the facts reported in Do You Know? I think they are interesting!
6. Do you think WolframAlpha and Google Squared will be useful for you? for your students? Why or why not?I will definitely use both of these when I become a teacher. I think these sources are quick and easy for students to use and will be very helpful in the classroom.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. More information, comparative information, with one search. A real time saver!
